Royal Autumn is constantly coming up with film ideas...granted, some of them are crazy, but others have real potential. We typically create our films in Western NY - the Rochester area to be more precise - although we have many individuals with whom we collaborate across the United States and even Canada.
Although Royal Autumn has not been "official" for very long, our founder, Anthony T. Carter, has been creating films since his childhood. His brain is constantly churning out possible ideas, but only a few can make it to screen. Our collaborative artistic abilities are shown in the intricate and meaningful films that we create and produce - our hope is that the near future will bring us many more opportunities to create great films and to impact people all across the world.
Royal Autumn Entertainment currently consists of: Anthony T. Carter - our founder and head writer/director, Grace Ingram-Carter - the studio manager and producer, and Jay Walker - our business manager and also a producer. We all work together on film ideas and use our connections to help make the filming process a bit easier. We are always looking for investors, people with equipment who would like to collaborate with our company, locations that are friendly to film crews, actors/actresses, and even potential ideas to produce.
Our Mission: To produce drama onscreen and onstage that captivates and inspires audiences worldwide!